Happy Thanksgiving!
Hello Stitchers!
I hope you are all enjoying this holiday season and managing to make time for yourselves and at least a little bit of needlepoint. Things are just as busy as always at the shop, but that is definitely something to be grateful for. We will be having slightly reduced hours for this holiday week.
Wednesday, November 22: 10am-4pm
Thursday, November 23: Closed (but our website is always open)
Friday, November 24: 10am - 5pm
Saturday, November 25: 10am - 5pm
Saturday is "Small Business Saturday" and we will celebrating with some in-store specials (watch for notices on Instagram and Facebook). Our holiday shopping specials will start online on Thursday with tons of new markdowns from 25-50% off.
We are also hosting two trunk shows the rest of the month.
Kristine Kingston from Chris Lewis Distributing - tons of collegiate designs, Christmas, signs and so much more. Many designs come in multiple colorways so there really is something for everyone.
Make sure to check out everything on her website (there is ALOT) and give us a call or email if you would like us to check our stock or order for you.
Her entire line is eligible for a 20% discount even on orders and there is just so much to pick from.
Blue Ridge Stitchery - specializing in all things floral, British, German and so much more. I mean you cannot go wrong with a "Rocket Pig" right!
There are so many more options for so many fabulous designs. And I can't forget to mention her designs representing the Blue Ridge and Green Mountains.
They are vailable in multiple sizes and on both 13 or 18 mesh. A stitch guide is available ffrom Whimsical Stitch for the "Blue Ridge Mountains".
Check out her website while you are recouping from your turkey dinner, you won't be disappointed.
Watch for some new classes to pop up in another email next week. I'll give you a hint... it involves bunnies and a spring retreat with Emily's Stitchery. Stay tuned!
May you all realize how blessed you truly are. Everyday that we have a chance to get up, move and find some stitching time makes us very lucky.
Happy Thanksgiving and until next time, Deb