Time to catch up!
I hope this note finds you all happy and able to stitch ALOT! It seems hard to believe back-to-school is here, which means Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner. Yikes!!!! So, let's get down to what's happening around the shop:
August Trunk Show:
Susan Roberts Needlepoint has landed and there is so many fabulous designs it's hard to pick just one.
Need a stocking? You are covered. And ornaments, Gnomes and Nutcrackers! OH MY!
Make sure to check out her website and let us know what we can help you get started on for next Christmas. As always, any in stock design will receive a 20% discount. Place an order during the show and your order will also be an additional 20% off - this includes any of the artists she represents including Liz Goodrick-Dillion and Ashley Dillon-Davis. A 50% deposit is required for all special orders.
Penny Linn Designs - Did you know that two of the creators from Penny Linn are actually local to our area! Join us on Saturday, September 10th from 1pm-3pm for our very first "Meet and Greet" with Amanda and Jonathan.
Could they be any cuter! And their designs are pretty awesome too!
Shelly Tribbey https://shellytribbey.com/
Needle Crossings http://www.needlecrossings.com/canvas/index.html
October: Cooper Oaks https://www.cooperoaksdesign.com/
November: Walker Needlepoint https://walkersneedlepoint.com/designers
Beau Verre Art Needle Minders
December: Lauren Bloch https://www.laurenblochdesigns.com/
Rachel Donley http://www.racheldonleyneedlepointdesigns.com/
Chicago Architectural Tour: Come take a tour of your favorite Chicago architecture with Linda Corirossi. Get exposed to lots of threads and stitches and learn how to effectively compensate and angles.
Date: October 14 - 15, 2022
Time: 10am - 4 pm (Lunch will be provided)
Included: teaching fee, canvas, and thread kit.
Cost: $450
Please call to register no later than September 30, 2022
Mini Sessions with Linda: Are you stumped with a design element, join Linda Corirossi for a 2-hour session! Bring the canvas of your choice and Linda will help you bring life to your piece.
Date: August 25, September 8, September 22, October 6, October 20, November 3, November 17, December 1
Time: 10am-12pm or 1pm-3pm
Cost: $30 per session
Please call to register no later than 2 days prior to class
Markdowns and Market:
Our fall Market is being held in Frisco,TX again this year. It was so nice to be able to reconnect with shop owners and designers last year that I can hardely wait for this year. I'm certain we will be seeing lots of sneak peeks as it gets closer to October 15th and if you are looking for a particular design, please email the shop and we will add you to our request list. debk2728@stitchersgardenil.com
What does that mean for all of you? It means lots of goodies have been marked down. Make sure to check out the "Sale, Sale, Sale" section on our "Shop Online" tab on the website. https://www.stitchersgardenil.com/shop/Sale-Sale-Sale.htm
I have lots of favorites, but just can't get them all stitched!
$54 $146
$53 $48 $37
$58 $14 $32
This Saturday we are hosting our very first "Beginning Stitches with Kris"! The class filled up quickly so if you missed it the first time around watch for more details with the new dates. Due to this event, the back table will not be free for open stitching until after 1:30pm. If you have questions, please call the shop. 630-946-6216
I hope to see you all in the store soon. It seems hard to believe that it has been almost 5 years since my adventure began. Until next time, Deb