Two More Days!
I hope you are all gearing up to be able to shop soon (ANYWHERE)! I am so looking forward to getting a haircut, a pedicure, and seeing all of you in person of course! I've worked out some more details for how we will work out our first come, first serve shopping that I'd like to share.
When you arrive, please check the customer status on our door. And now I'd like you to meet "Open" and "Full":

There will be three stars hanging on our door:
Three green stars means we have room for three customers. Three red stars means we are full and you will need to call the store. You may enter without calling as long as there is a green star showing on the door.
When you call please give whoever answers the phone your name and cell number. We will call you back when you may enter the store. Again we are working on a first come, first serve basis. We are not scheduling appointments at this time. As I stated yesterday, please be patient as our procedures may change daily.
Now for some fun stuff!
We received in some new stadiums from Jude Designs this week.

I really want to take this time to thank everyone who has supported Stitchers Garden during this crazy time. You all made the "Shelter at Home" so much more bearable. I will be really glad when you can come in and we can see all your projects in person and get back to what we love the most, keeping you in canvases and threads. Thank you again! Until tomorrow! Deb