Tea Anyone
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend, I know I did. Great food, great girlfriends, and more good food on Sunday. I really felt blessed and I hope you all have experienced such blessings in your life over the last few weeks.
Lots of canvases were shipped out today. I'm so happy that so many of you took advantage of the MOMDAY20 sale that started on Saturday. There are still a ton of great canvases available. You can select curbside delivery if you want to come by and pick it up. If you want threads pulled follow the following procedure:
- Pick your canvases and add them to your cart.
- Use coupon code MOMDAY20
-Pay your bill and select Curbside pickup as your shipping option.
-Send an email to me that you would like threads pulled. debk2728@stitchersgardenil.com
-Once we have finalized your thread selection, we will address shipping or you can pick up your items curbside.
The sale ends on Saturday, May 16th so you've got plenty of time and the best part - new canvases are being added daily. Make sure to check the "New Arrivals" section!
Melissa Shirley:
Melissa Shirley is adding new available canvases to her website each week. If you haven't checked out what is instock and ready to be delivered, follow the link.
She's got some really fantastic designs that are just waiting for the right Stitcher.

The Plum Stitchery:
Today's feature are some lovely little tea kettles that arrived from The Stitched Garden for The Plum Stitchery. Painted on 18 mesh and retailing for $68, these remind me so much of my Grandmother. My Mamma Vi was one "Southern Lady" and when I see things that remind me of her I just can't pass them up. (And she would love that they are 20% off.)

Until tomorrow, Deb