Hump Day
It's hard to believe it's already the middle of the week! The days do indeed run together right now and it's hard to find a good rhythm when it feels like there really isn't a schedule. Thank goodness for needlepoint!
New Arrivals:
From Sew Much Fun:

18 mesh, 3.5" square, $63 with Stitch Guide

18 mesh, 3.5" square, $63 with Stitch Guide

18 mesh, 5.5" square, $117 with Stitch Guide
For more designs check out her website. Most of her designs have a stitch guide, but can be ordered without if you prefer to come up with your own designs. http://www.sewmuchfun.ca/home.html
Daily Special:
Can't you just picture this with a beaded swirl and lettering! And a single strand of the most perfect purple Gloriana silk in a t-stitch covering the rest!!!!! As shown this 6" round is on special for $90.

Are you missing your favorite sports team? I'll be ordering from "Keep Your Pants On" for CBK Needlepoint this week. Check out their website and let me know if I can add anything to it for you. Here are a couple of the great items they carry:

Check out her website and email me at debk2728@stitchersgardenil.com with your questions and requests. That's all for today! Deb