Happy Monday!
I hope you all had a great weekend. I got some stitching done and actually have a finish! Yeah! I hope Chris likes it and I hope he gets a chance to actually have a fireworks season this year! Nothing like having a licensed pyrotechnic living with you during the months of June thru August.


More threads got pulled today! I really appreciate everyone's patience in waiting for your threads and canvases. I miss picking them out with all of you in person! Hopefully the next 5 weeks will go F-A-S-T and you will all join me soon. As of May 1st, we can do curbside pick-up if you live in the area and I will be looking forward to that next step.
We did get restocked on this cutie today and it is available for purchase on the website. The larger size is expected any time now. https://www.stitchersgardenil.com/

Our Alice Peterson virtual trunk show ends this Thursday. I'll be featuring a couple more designs this week. Make sure you check out her website if you haven't already done so. There's a great virtual trunk show scheduled for May. I am so excited I can hardly wait to let you know who it is, but you will have to wait just a couple more days to find out. Have a great night, Deb