Happy Holidays!
We will be closed December 23-25 and December 30-January 1 to celebrate the holidays with our family and friends. Normal business hours (10am-5pm) will apply to Wednesday thru Saturday both weeks. If the weather is questionable, please call the store to make sure someone is here to help you with any questions or stitching needs you may have. 630-946-6216
After Christmas Clear-out!!!!!
December 26-January 5: All Christmas canvases 25% off.
All Sale canvases 50% off.
All remaining canvases and trunk show canvases 20% off.
Pointe 2 Pointe, Ewe & Eye , and the Quarter Stitch have all graciously agreed to let us keep their trunk shows through January 5th so if you haven't made it in to shop please stop in.
Pointe 2 Pointe has great self finishing accessories and I have already completed a Cubbies wine bottle stopper (works for olive oil and vinegar bottles too) and Cuff links for Christmas gifts. The stitching can be done 1 night and the finishing the next. Pictures to follow after Christmas on our Facebook page.
Ewe & Eye has so many canvases I can hardly pick a favorite. I will say that there will probably be quite a few that either make it in to my personal stash or end up staying here so my husband doesn't find out just how bad my obsession really is.

I mean can you really resist this snowman? And wouldn't we all want to go sledding with this precious lady. She is part of a wonderful series of reproduction samplers. There just isn't enough time in the day to get it all done.
The Quarter Stitch is a fantastic shop in New Orleans that represents Clementine Hunter and Alex Beard. I've got my eyes on a couple of these as well. The story behind Clementine Hunter fascinates me. She lived and worked her entire life on the Melrose cotton plantation. Her job as an older adult was to clean up after "art parties" and she began painting using the left over paints to create her works of art on anything she could find and now we are lucky to have them available on needlepoint canvas.

Recreated from memories of time spent at the plantation, these are just two of my favorites!
And then there is Alex Beard who is known for his Abstract Naturalism. What a sweet face on this little fox!

Next month brings Julie Mar. Check out her website and give the shop a call if you would like us to check for anything when the trunk show arrives. http://www.juliemardesigns.com/
We have three classes to start the new year out at the Garden:
"Bejeweled Santa #1" designed and taught by Libby Sturdy takes place on February 2, 2019.
Cost: $110 (includes lunch, instruction and line drawn canvas) due at registration.
Optional thread kit $85

"Finishing 101" with Edie Weilemann is back! Get a head start on your ornaments and learn to do your own finishing February 23, 2019.
Cost: $65 (includes instruction and finishing materials)
You will need to bring a completely stitched small canvas no larger than 6" x 6". Hearts, stars, circles, ovals, squares and most simple shapes will be accepted.
"Candy Cane Express" designed and taught by Janet Zickler Casey runs from April 26 - April29, 2019.
If you haven't experienced a class with Janet now is the time. Funny, super informative and and a fantastic stitcher you will learn tons. Her classes are full of tips, tricks and lots of embellishment stitches.
Cost: $350 (includes 3 days of lunch, instruction and 4 canvases)
Thread Kit: $320.

Ghost participants welcome! Class fee due at registration, thread kit due upon arrival to class.
As always, please call the store to register for class 630-946-6216
We have lots of new and fun canvases making their way into the store. One of my personal new favorites is the "Troll" designed by Kathy Brant, one of our local artists. Have you been to see the exhibit at the Morton Arboretum? It's quite fantastic.

And just a couple more:

I hope to see all of you soon. May you have a blessed holiday what ever you celebrate and to treat each other with kindness, above all else. Merry Christmas! Deb