Spring is Coming! (I think...)
Hope your spring is coming along nicely and you are getting a lot of time to stitch your favorite project. We have finally received most of our market orders so stop in when you get a chance.
We are introducing some new designers to the store -
Sew Much Fun (Stitch Guides included).
Beth Gantz who does fabulous initials and magnetic closure boxes.
Voila market totes with coordinating canvases
& More
There are still a couple of spots left in our "Finishing 101" with Edie Weilemann. Your choice is Saturday, March 24th or Tuesday, March 27th. the cost is $60 and the class runs from 9:30-2:30. The only thing you need to bring is a stitched ornament, sewing scissors and a willingness to learn. Give us a call if you are interested.
"Shaped Stand-up" is set for April 27, 2018. If you have a completed canvas that you envision as a stand-up and would like to learn how to finish it yourself this is the class for you. Cost: $75. 9:30am-2:30pm Instructor approval on canvas size and shape required. Call the shop to register.
"Canvas Embellishment with Sandy Arthur" will be taking place August 2-5, 2018. Do you have a canvas that you want to get some great new stitch ideas for? Or do you want to learn some new specialty stitches? Sandy is a national teacher who is known for her creative ideas and "out of the box" thinking. This two/four day class includes 6 fully charted areas for the canvas of your choice and you will not be disappointed. Pictures of your canvas along with specific areas you would like her assistance with need to be sent in soon and the class is filling up quickly so don't wait to long for this fabulous opportunity.
Cost: 2 days $300, 4 days $400.
Call the shop to register.
I am pleased to announce that Stitchers Garden will be hosting the "Silly Little Birds" club from Valerie Needlepoint Group. Scott Partridge has designed some great little birds and they easily finish into ornaments. Scheduled to begin mid-May, it isn't too late to sign up. Each canvas and stitch guide will be kitted with all necessary threads and embellishments. The first canvas in the series features two proud red Cardinals.
They really could not be cuter!
Open stitching is available whenever we are open. Come anytime Tuesday - Saturday from 10-5. The staff and I love to see all your projects and how they progress. May you all be blessed with lots of time to stitch and give us a call with any questions. 630-946-6216.
Thanks for making my first 5 months so wonderful, Deb